Book your active summer holiday at Airboss!

This is really cool. An active summer holiday where you go skydiving in France and also get your Free Fall License!

Adventurers looking for an active summer holiday in France can go anywhere. You can visit the adventure with a group of friends and go mountaineering in the Alps, or enjoy surfing on the sunny Atlantic coast. Cyclists take the mountain bike and ride the most beautiful trails in Europe. But if you really want to make it exciting you book your active summer holiday at Airboss. We think that skydiving abroad is the best and most exciting trip you can experience!

Bucket list

A lot of people have skydiving on their bucket list. The experience of skydiving is unparalleled and can not be compared with anything else. The feeling of jumping off an airplane at a height of 4 kilometers and experiencing a freefall gives an incredible kick, an addictive feeling that you want to experience more often. Almost everyone immediately wants to go up again after his first jump!

Active summer holiday in France

There are plenty of places in the Netherlands where you can do a skydive course, but why not make an active summer holiday abroad? The holidays from Airboss offer exactly what you are looking for. Not only if you want to learn skydiving, but also if you already have experience and want to make more jumps. Airboss offers combined courses and holidays in France of 7 and 14 days. Depending on your experience you choose the Accelerated Freefall or Airwareness course. The Airboss Academy is for advanced skydivers who want to get their A-License.

One of the best destionations

Are you looking for an active summer holiday, and you really want to challenge yourself once and you wonder where you can you go skydiving? Book your holiday at Airboss. From June to September we are at one of the best holiday destinations in France, Mimizan. For everyone who wants to skydive this is a great place on the Atlantic coast. Together with a group of fun, active people who like you combine their summer holiday with a skydive training you go to work under the professional guidance of our skydive experts. They teach you all the techniques and all the jumps go with you up.

Would you like to know more about our courses in combination with an adventurous holiday that you can book with us? Send an email to Airboss or call us at 085 401 46 47!