14 days
France, Senegal

6 AFF jumps with instructor
Personal coaching
14 solo skydives
5 jumps Formation Skydive
License accredited world wide


Skydive course Airwareness

With the Airwareness program from Airboss, we rapidly elevate your skydiving skills to new heights. In just two weeks, you’ll make an impressive 25 jumps, learning everything you need to confidently take to the skies on your own. And the best part? At the end of this journey awaits the coveted A-license, your ticket to the ultimate freedom of skydiving! Seize this opportunity and experience the thrill of the air, filled with confidence and adventure!

Airwareness package

You have never made a skydive and you are adventurous and sportive?
You are welcome with us.
14 days
Theoretical and practical lessonsVideo analyses
14 days coachingRadio guidance; descent and landing
6 AFF jumps with instructorPacking lessons
5 jumps Formation SkydiveStudy books A-License
14 solo skydivesSiminars A-License
All jumps from 14.000 ft.A-License exam
State of the art equipmentA-License
License accredited world wide


Accelerated Freefall

Begin your thrilling skydiving adventure with the Accelerated Freefall course! In this unique training, you’ll make 6 unforgettable jumps under the guidance of our experienced instructors. During 55 exhilarating seconds of freefall, you’ll have the chance to learn the ins and outs of skydiving while adrenaline rushes through your body. You’ll rapidly develop your skills and gain the confidence to take to the skies!

Advanced Skydiver

After successfully completing the Accelerated Freefall program, you’ll enter a whole new dimension: the world of the Advanced Skydiver. Here, our guidance continues, but with a focus on formation skydiving, where you’ll learn to jump alongside other experienced skydivers and create spectacular formations. Additionally, we’ll challenge you with in-air tasks to elevate your parachute control skills. And regarding the remaining jumps in your package? Get ready for unforgettable experiences and challenges that you’ll cherish forever!


You can look forward to an exciting two weeks filled with fun and adventure! At Airwareness, we combine this with our commitment to quality and results. After this intensive period, you’ll not only be a skilled skydiver but also hold your A-brevet in your hands. Take the leap of a lifetime and discover the freedom of skydiving!

Conditions of entry

From 18 years to 55 years of age
Maximum weight is 100 kg.
Personal health and fitness declaration for skydiving.


Know more about the course

Our destination, dates, prices and booking
WINTER | Senegal   SUMMER | France 

9.00 AM – 17.00 PM: AFF training

Your Airwareness course starts with the ground school. During this first day you will get theoretical lessons and practical exercises. Essential techniques, such as maintaining a stable body position, checking your altimeter, mastering of important procedures and the right way to open your main parachute will be taught. You will also gain a good insight on how to control and land your parachute.


First skydive

You have completed ground school and are well-prepared. Together with two instructors you will go up to 4.200 meters. And they will guide and coach you from the very first to the very last second of your free fall, which lasts for about 1 minute. Once under your parachute we will guide you by radio until you are on the ground. Yeah! Your first skydive… This calls for a celebration!.


Second skydive

You debriefed your first jump with your instructor and have watched the video images. For your second skydive you will have a nice and easy task. Why? Because the second skydive is a repetition of the first. There maybe a few points of improvement but during this skydive we mainly want you to feel more free and at ease.


Third skydive

You have made your second skydive and your awareness grows. That is a good sign. It means you can do more exercises during your third jump and will enjoy your skydives even more. During this skydive, on guidance of the instructor, you will make 360 degree turns left and right. This is what we call heading control.


Fourth skydive

This is the jump the instructors look forward to. The fourth skydive. Most students think this skydive is the most memorable one of their course. After your exit from the aircraft you will make a triple forward loop after which, again on guidance of the instructor, you will make 360 degree turns left and right. How cool is that? You will start feeling like a real skydiver.


Fith skydive

The fun gets more and more. Why? Because you can do more. During this jump you will learn to fly on your back and how to do forward and backward loops in free fall. You will also learn to make a tracking. Or how to fly forward really fast. Like a rocket through the skies.


Sixth skydive

Your exam jump. During this jump you will show what you have learnt. And believe us when we say, it is be a lot after only a few days. You will surpass yourself and you’ll be amazed. But above all you will discover that skydiving is the greatest sport there is. Did you pass your exam? You can now start your solo jumps. Congratulations skydiver!


Graduation AFF License

cursus parachutespringen

Formation Skydiving

In 5 jumps you learn the basics of the Formation Skydiving. The jumps give you a solid foundation to develop further. In a short time you make progress and learn essential techniques to achieve the best result during a Formation Skydive.

Canopy Control

You make 5 Canopy Control jumps. You will learn how to get more performance out of your parachute, fly safely with other jumpers in the air and make better landings.

Hop and pop

JYou make a jump of 4000 ft. Wait a few seconds and then open your parachute. The purpose of this jump is to feel how it is to jump from a plane at lower altitude.

9 solo jumps

With these jumps you can do whatever you want. You only jump for fun or you go skydiving with other skydivers to do a formation skydive.

Parachute packing

You will receive instruction during the training to be able to pack your parachute yourself.

Theory exam

For your A-license you need basic knowledge about: regulations, material, meteo and general knowledge. Study material is provided by us and we will help you through seminary. At the end of the week you do a theory exam.

Your A-License


You want to make more jumps?

After your AFF graduation you can of course make more jumps. How many? As many as you want. No problem. You only pay per jump.
Cursus skydiven
Leren skydiven
Skydive cursus
Leren skydiven
Leren skydiven
Skydive cursus
Leren skydiven
Skydive cursus
Leren skydiven
Leren skydiven
Skydive cursus
Skydive cursus
Skydive opleiding
Skydive opleiding
Skydive opleiding
Skydive opleiding
Skydive opleiding
Skydive opleiding
Skydive opleiding
Skydive opleiding
Skydive opleiding
Skydive opleiding
Skydive opleiding
Skydive opleiding
Skydive opleiding
Leren skydiven
Leren skydiven
Leren skydiven
Leren skydiven
Leren skydiven
Leren skydiven


5.00 based on 6 reviews
12 August 2014

Parachutespringen/skydiven is voor mij de grootste sprong in mijn leven geweest. Sjon en zijn instructeurs zijn de beste in de wereld om je dit rustig en veilig, vol vertrouwenen met veel plezier te leren! En als je het dan onder de knie hebt is het adembenemend leuk. Met een grote glimlach denk ik nu terug aan mijn 43 sprongen in Mimizan, en volgend jaar ben ik er zeker weer bij.

16 July 2015

Onwijs gaaf! Iedereen zou dit moeten doen! Super aardige mensen en onwijze relaxte sfeer op de dropzone. Sjon en Rod bedankt voor deze onvergetelijke ervaring!

15 August 2012

Insane! Iedereen moet dit gewoon doen. Meer living in the moment is er niet. En waarom alleen een tandem doen als je in een week je hele opleiding kan doen! Goede sfeer, lekker weer en geweldige mensen. Ik heb alweer zin in volgend jaar zomer! Tot dan!

12 September 2017

Het was helemaal geweldig. Ik heb in 2 weken 41 sprongen gemaakt. Met behulp van de goede training van Sjon en co kun je binnen no time veilig springen inclusief je eigen parachute vouwen. Je kunt vanaf de zevende sprong al solo springen :D Echt een aanrader als je hier een toffe hobby van wil maken.

22 September 2018

Genoten van Mimizan waarin ik in 2 weken mijn A-Brevet heb gehaald. Sjon en Rod maken elke sprong uniek en dragen hun kennis geduldig over.
Het oog voor veiligheid en elkaar checken wordt scherp in de gaten gehouden. Desondanks is er tussen alle serieuze leermomenten genoeg ruimte voor een dolletje, een koel drankje of een lekker broodje. Na 2 weken maak je deel uit van de Airboss familie én ben je in het bezit van je A-brevet. Ik heb de opleiding samen met een vakantie gepland waardoor het extra genieten was. De dropzone is klein maar ontzettend gezellig.. Je voelt je er gelijk thuis, ook de aanhang was van harte welkom. We hebben genoten en we komen zeker terug om extra sprongen te gaan maken volgend jaar! Twijfel je? Niet doen.. het is elke cent dubbel en dwars waard!

20 June 2019

de titel ‘from zero to hero’ is niet gelogen. Na twee weken heb ik bij Airboss niet enkel mijn AFF- maar ook mijn A-brevet gehaald. Alles gekaderd in een logische, toegankelijke, makkelijk te volgen opleiding. Een opleiding die de perfecte middenweg is tussen twee brevetten halen, en tevens de ontspanning en recreatie van op vakantie bieden.
Fijne instructeurs, fijne dropzone, fijne sfeer voor, tijdens, en na het skydiven, kortom een leuke vakantie tout court.

Mij ga je alvast nog zien op Airboss vakanties, en ik kan iedereen die écht avontuur begeert alleen maar aanraden om hetzelfde te doen!!!

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